Saturday, September 1, 2012

Facebook Page and Library Work Times

Thank you, friends, for liking our FB page: Kaleidoscope, a gathering place for multicultural learning:

The library actually looks pretty nice, but the books are not yet recorded so we can't lend yet, hence the work days to write off or type into the computer the titles & authors. 

If you are close to us in West Seattle, maybe you would like to volunteer a couple of hours in the organization of the library. These are the next times we are going to work on it:

-- Wed., Sept. 5th from 2:00 through to 6:30 p.m. 
-- Saturday, the 8th, from 11:00 – 1:00 p.m;
-- Saturday, the 22nd: there will be a longer work period to be announced later. to get the library ready for the Student Rally on the 29th. Hopefully, by then, we can have it open to the community, too.

The 22nd is during Seattle's Compassion Games, so...we may be doing something extra to compete in them towards being "the survival of the kindest"! Stand by for details.

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